
Contact Information

  • Customer Service: 911 Fort Street, Victoria, BC V8V 3K3
    Production Facility: #2, 2745 Bridge Street, Victoria, B.C. V8T 4T1
  • 888.478.5553
  • 250.478.5506

    Send Us Message

    We love printing and manufacturing.

    You dream it. We make it.

    We are pleased to combine Rolex Plastics & Printing, Foto Print, Bayside Press, and BC Lawn Signs, into one cohesive team under the banner of Foto Print. We welcome all customers to continue to enjoy the same excellent service and product lines to best meet their marketing and operational objectives.

    Paper can change the way people think, act or feel about a product or service. Printed pieces inform and inspire millions every day; the words, the images, and how touchable and tangible they are. In the right hands and with the right idea, one sheet of paper can become something so much more. Customers, marketing agencies, and departments count on us to make their ideas pop. Rediscover the power of paper and imagery with Foto Print!